About this time last year, we started planning this video. We wanted a way to tell our story, the message of our brand, and help convey why we create our products.

snek cycling video shoot

Nick Andrew of Abandon Ship Productions, a family friend and videographer, was called up to begin forming storyboarded scenarios. Ultimately, we knew that we needed to do something that told our story at its core. No fluff. A video that was homegrown, real, and tangible. A video that shared the ethos of our products and brand.

snek cycling video shoot

Once we finalized the details and set a date, we called upon a few friends to help make it happen. Our local frame builder Matt from Salt Air cycles was happy to join in the fun, along with another local friend, AJ Turner. Both have been instrumental in the realization of Snēk.

snek cycling video shoot

The morning of the shoot was chilly, with temperatures below freezing and a freshly fallen layer of snow. The excitement of the group was evident. Perfect conditions to showcase our products and capture the essence of Snēk.

We prepped our bikes and equipment, then started on our way. Snēk founder Jonny Hintze hopped on and off his bike periodically to capture images of the day, while Nick was preparing to film for his next shot.

"I really wanted to create something unique and intimate with this short video. Something that really captured the riding experience and something that showcased how great Snēk products are in extreme weather conditions. I was only in Salt Lake City for 3 days, but the weather really delivered with driving snow and bitter cold temperatures. It was challenging to film, but we all had a blast and I think we captured some really great moments. Everyone involved in this project is passionate about what they are doing, whether it is filming or riding, and I hope that after watching this video people feel that and are inspired to go out and ride their bike." stated Nick Andrew of Abandon Ship Productions.

It was great working with such an enthusiastic crew. We've got to hand it to Nick for putting together such a great film with a modest budget and limited resources. It's very rare that you can find someone with enough talent to storyboard, film, edit and compose music for a film to capture the essence of a brand. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. 

Snēk Cycling